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Girls director of coaching, Chris Le, was featured on the United Soccer Coaches podcast

As some in the club may or may not know, our girls director of coaching, Chris Le, is also a licensed mental health counselor and school psychologist whom works in special education. In addition to that, he is also a part of the Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) advocacy group with United Soccer Coaches.

Last week, he along with Ashu Saxena (API chairperson and author of The Well Rounded Soccer Coach) and Chris Malenab (API member, USL professional coach, suicide survivor and mental health advocate) were featured on the United Soccer Coaches podcast hosted by Dean Linke.

The panel talked about how to navigate mental health globally in a club environment and resources available, raise awareness around National Semicolon Day (April 16th) and its significance related to suicide awareness and prevention, and how cultural factors specific to the API community and in general can be taken into consideration.

Thank you United Soccer Coaches for featuring our DOC and providing a forum to talk about such important issues! Link to listen to the podcast below:

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