3 years ago, Abby Maloney from our 2008 girls decided to do something different for her birthday, and she had all her friends bring toys to donate instead of gifts for her Christmas Eve birthday, with those toys all going to the Toys for Tots program. She has continued that tradition each year since, and last year as a result of her drive she with the help of others was able to donate 8 boxes of toys to the Toys for Tots program.
This year her Toys for Tots birthday event will be December 10th from 10am-9pm at the Colonie Center Mall and she will be located at the center court by the Christmas Tree. For those interested in participating and contributing, she will be collecting new unwrapped toys, books, and monetary donations at that time. Anyone unable to make it but wishing to donate can still make arrangements ahead of the event for anyone that wants t mail in a toy, book, or check they can do so by sending them to:
Jay Maloney 2 116th St #412 Troy, NY 12182
All checks can be made out to "Marine Toys for Tots Foundation." Thanks for all of those that contribute to this great cause, and feel free to go to the event page on Facebook for further updates by clicking the link below:
